Let’s make this film together!
Join us on this incredible journey of creating something to be proud of. We will make the rocket; you provide the fuel. Together, we can reach for the stars.
Whether donors or volunteers, you all care about civilization and its future. You are among those who have decided to stand up to propaganda and corruption shamelessly imposed and too often sheepishly accepted as status quo.
Literally from day one of our work on this film, dozens of people have been offering their help in searching for materials, writing up grants, translating from Russian to English, and performing any of the numerous tasks involved.
It looks like our film is indeed becoming a people’s project. Welcome aboard!
Share Our Story!
Please share your knowledge of this project and its “gestation” on social media, with your friends, at parties, and in those quiet coffee shop conversations. Like us on Facebook or give us a shout-out on Twitter.
Become a volunteer!